Forty Five Kensington
Car Park
There is no parking available at this casino.
Access at Entrance
The main entrance to the casino has double doors. There are 6 steps, with handrails, from the street level up to the entrance doors. The casino is well sign posted and easy to find.
The reception counter is manned at all times during business hours.
There are toilets located on both the ground and basement floors. There are no accessible toilets.
Access to all Areas
Forty Five Kensington casino is an old building. It comprises of a ground and basement floor which are linked by staircases only. The circulation of the casino is mainly wide-open areas. There are plenty of toilets within the casino.
Access in More Detail:
Main Entrance
The main entrance to the casino has double doors. There are 6 steps, with handrails, from the street level up to the entrance doors. The casino is well sign posted and easy to find.
No ramp is available for access to the casino.
There is no accessible toilet in this casino and there are no lifts available.
Doors open outwards.
The reception counter is manned at all times during business hours. The counter has no drop-down section and is 1100mm high.
There is seating in the reception area by means of one sofa which has arms and a low back.
The floor surface is slip resistant.
The floor surface is suitable for the passage of wheelchair users.
There is no induction loop available.
Literature is not available in braille, large print or alternate languages.
Literature is not available in audio format.
A sign language interpreter cannot be provided.
There are members of staff who can speak alternative languages.
There is a chip and pin machine available which is portable in order for a wheelchair user or seated person to operate the system.
The internal doors are manual.
There is a pull handle.
Some people may find the door pressure heavy.
The threshold is level.
The level of lighting is sufficient for intended use.
The acoustic environment is suitable for the intended use
Ground floor stair lobby area.
The door is manual.
There is a pull handle which is within reach of all users.
The threshold is level.
Some people may find the door pressure heavy.
Double doors then provide access to the ground floor inner lobby.
Inner Lobby
There is a cash machine in this area.
Wheelchair users can turn around in front of the cash machine.
The controls are within the recommended height specification.
Electronic Gaming Rooms
Access via two sets of double doors from the stair lobby area.
The floor surface is slip resistant.
The floor surface is suitable for the passage of wheelchairs.
The clear widths are adequate.
The level of lighting is sufficient for the intended use.
The acoustic environment is suitable for the intended use.
Electronic Gaming Rooms - Toilets
There are female and male single cubicle toilets.
These are not ambulant cubicles.
The door widths are 826mm.
There is not enough visual distinction between the walls and the hand dryer and flush for the visually impaired.
Gaming Floor
Access is via ground floor lobby or through electronic gaming area.
The floor surface is slip resistant.
The floor surface is suitable for the passage of wheelchairs.
The clear widths are adequate.
The level of lighting is sufficient for the intended use.
The acoustic environment is suitable for the intended use.
The threshold is level.
The seating provided may not suit all intended users.
There is table service available.
There is no induction loop available.
A portable chip and pin machine is available.
Gaming Floor Toilets
Gaming Floor – Female Toilets
There is a single toilet.
This is an ambulant cubicle with hand rails.
The door is lightweight enough to open easily.
This door has a clear width of 610mm.
There is not enough visual contrast between the walls and the handrails, hand dryer and flush for the visually impaired.
Gaming Floor – Male Toilets
Accessed through door exiting slots room. Door has a clear width of 900mm.
Door to access the toilet has a clear width of 730mm.
Please be aware that there is no larger cubicle available for ambulant disabled people.
Basement Gaming Floor
This area is not accessible due to stepped access.
Access to the gaming floor is only accessible via two flights of stairs.
Handrails are in place on both sides of the staircase.
The steps have nosings which highlight the change in height adequately.
The stairs are well lit.
There is no lift access to the basement gaming floor.
The floor surface is slip resistant.
The clear widths are adequate.
The level of lighting is sufficient for the intended use.
The acoustic environment is suitable for the intended use.
Seating provided may not suit all intended users as some do not have armrests or backs.
Seating is provided in a range of heights.
The cash desk does not have a drop-down section.
The height of the desk is 1050mm.
There is a portable chip and pin machine available.
There is no induction loop.
Literature is not available in braille, alternative languages or large print.
The controls are within the recommended height.
Smoking Area
Access to smoking area through manual door with clear width 740mm and fire door clear width 830mm.
Some users may find the door pressure heavy.
The smoking area is narrow.
This area is not accessible due to stepped access.
There are three steps up to the restaurant floor.
There is a handrail to the steps on one side.
The steps are well lit and nosings adequately highlight the change in height.
The bar is 1120mm high and there is no drop-down section.
A selection of different height seating is available.
Seating may not be suitable for all users as there are no armrests.
All seating provided is stable.
The floor surface is slip resistant
There is table service available.
There is no induction loop available.
A portable chip and pin machine is available.
Literature is not available in braille, alternate languages or large print.
Basement Toilets
Male Toilets
There are two steps down into the toilets.
There are no handrails.
The doors are lightweight enough to open easily.
There are no low-level urinals
There are no handrails provided next to the urinals
Please be aware that a larger cubicle is not available.
Cubicle door width 560mm
Female Toilets
There are two steps down into the toilets.
There are no handrails.
The doors are lightweight enough to open easily.
Please be aware that a larger cubicle is not available.
Cubicle door width 590mm